Middle East: What Cinema Can Do is proud to present 40 films over a 10-day period. As always the majority of them are documentaries, each painting a different facet of the bigger picture. There are many personal works from diaspora directors in search of family or identity, most notably the opening film by UK-based Mahdi Fleifel, A World Not Ours. There will be a couple of avant-premiers shown before being released in theatres and a certain number of the films are unveiling in France for the first time.
From the more than 150 films previewed, the films chosen illustrate the daily theme in which they will be shown, from Lebanon refugee camps to the cultural censorship in Iran, repression or revolution in countries like Syria, Egypt or Libyia, as well as the themes at the center of this event: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: notably occupation and spoliation.
From the more than 150 films previewed, the films chosen illustrate the daily theme in which they will be shown, from Lebanon refugee camps to the cultural censorship in Iran, repression or revolution in countries like Syria, Egypt or Libyia, as well as the themes at the center of this event: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: notably occupation and spoliation.
Screening date : 07-12-2013 -- 18:30
Water - Film Series - Part 1
Water is part of a series of documentary and fiction short films produced in the Water Project, initiated by the Film Department of the University of Tel Aviv. The films were made by Israeli and Palestinian filmmakers, who worked together on the project.
Screening date : 07-12-2013 -- 21:00
Water - Film Series - Part 2
Water is part of a series of documentary and fiction produced in the Water Project, initiated by the Film Department of the University of Tel Aviv. The films were made by Israeli and Palestinian filmmakers, who worked together on the project.
Screening date : 05-12-2013 -- 20:30
When the Boys Return
Since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in 1967, more than 650,000 Palestinians, most of them men, have been arrested and put in Israeli prisons. The number of political prisoners per capita is the highest in the world.
Screening date : 07-12-2013 -- 13:30
White Night
Night after night a group of about twenty Palestinian women, who don't have permits to enter Israel, make the long and treacherous journey from their village, crawling on the ground through a hole in the fence, and then into Jerusalem. Here they transform, blending into their surroundings, ready for a day's work, which will allow them to support their children.