Screening date:08/12/2011 -- 20h00
Breaking the Silence
15 Israeli former male and female soldiers provide testimonies of their service in the Occupied Palestinian Territories with their identities revealed. Their unmasked testimonies serve as a powerful and unprecedented means of exposing how the occupation is enforced on a day-to-day level and how its corrosive effects erode the human rights of the Palestinian population and the moral standards of Israeli society. By giving up their anonymity, the testifiers have made their voices much harder to ignore or discredit.
Country: IsraelProduction: Noam Chayut (Breaking the Silence) - Karla Green - Website
Year: 2011
Director: Noam Chayut (Breaking the Silence)
Editing: Yossi Yaakov et Avi Mograbi
Cinematography: Yossi Yaakov
Sound: Ala Khoury
DV – 40'
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Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the Israeli public to the reality in the Occupied Territories. It endeavours to stimulate public debate about the price paid when young soldiers face a civilian population on a daily basis and control that population's goings and comings.
Dotan Greenvald, 50th Battalion Nahal Brigade (10')
Oded Na'aman, Artillery Corps (10')
Eiliakim Nizzani, Nahal Brigade (10')
Zohar Shapira, Special Forces (10')