Screening date:09/12/2011 -- 18h00
The Breaker
The Breaker talks about the reality of life in Gaza, the everyday suffering and challenges since the blockade. Building material is not allowed to enter Gaza so young children leave school, and work hard at breaking up stones from abandoned colonies in order to recycle the materials into new constructions.
Country: PalestineProduction: Wesam Mousa - Tel : +97282531884
Year: 2010
Director: Wesam Mousa
Editing: Baha Abed, Raed Mousa
Cinematography: Jamal Mousa, Wesam Mousa, Wagde Abou Senger, Baha Abed
Music: Nicolas Francart
DV - 30'
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Wesam Mousa was born in Gaza. He has a diploma in Applied Arts. He is the manager of public relations and director of Fursan AL Erada Radio, the first radio station which is the voice of the disabled.
Profession Risks
The Bitter Harvest
By Smile
Summer Camps
Success Story
The Breaker