Screening date:01/12/2011 -- 20h30
Generation Revolution
The Arab world is still undergoing unpredictable, revolutionary change. ARTE follows the issue from different perspectives, not only on television, but also online, on The Arab World in Revolution(s). The heart of the platform is the webdocumentary Generation Revolution - Paving the Way for Freedom. Five portraits of 3 or 4 minutes each will screen at Middle East: What Cinema Can Do.
Country: FranceProduction: What's Up Productions - ARTE -
Year: 2011
Directors: Sébastien Mesquida, Marc Ghostine
DV – 17'
December 1 -- 20.30
Ali Fathi Abdelghani / Egypt
Ali Fathi grew up at the foot of the Abussir pyramids, about 25 kilometres south of Cairo. His job as a tourist guide barely pays enough to feed his household, especially since the revolution erupted on 25 January and all tourism has evaporated. But Ali doesn't care; he is savouring his new-found freedom
LiLianne Wagdy / Egypt
Lillian Wagdy grew up in Cairo. Like thousands of other qualified young Egyptians, she joined the revolution on January 25. An activist from the outset, she has been constantly tweeting to bring her combat to life on the web. Cell phone in one hand, laptop in the other, Lillian never stops.
Bothaina Kamel / Egypt
Bothaina Kamel heard the call from Tahrir Square. Startled by the demonstrations and the people's uprising, she decided to stake a claim on the Egyptian presidency. On her Twitter account, she sums herself up briefly: "Journalist, mother and presidential candidate."
December 2 -- 20.30
Saleh Deminger / Lebanon
Saleh Deminger works in Beirut as a journalist for Kurdish television. An opponent of the Syrian government, he sought refuge in Lebanon to escape the repression in his own country.Saleh and his comrades live in constant fear of being arrested and handed over to the Syrian authorities. And yet, since the outbreak of the protests in Syria, he has continued to openly oppose the al-Assad clan.
Oum Abdo / Lebanon
Oum Abdo lost everything when she escaped Talkalakh, a Syrian village attacked by forces loyal to the regime of Bashar El Assad. She now hides with her close relatives in Lebanon, in a house less than a kilometre from the border with Syria. She tells of the life of oppression and fear that the Assad family has subjected them to for the last 40 years.
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From the Maghreb to the Machrek, ARTE, in association with What's Up Productions, goes out to meet the people and share their combat for freedom. A journey lasting several months through countries that have succeeded in getting rid of their dictators, those that are trying to do so and those that are gradually slipping into civil war.