Screening date : 03/12/2011 -- 14h00
During the events of 1979, the Iranian Kurdistan was caught up in the turmoil. Political quarrels resulting from the Islamic revolution forced the Iranian Kurds to flee the country and seek refuge in Iraq where they were put in camps such as Altash. The living conditions in the camps were clearly disgraceful. The film begins in 2004 in Iraq. Sheelan, a young female doctor of Kurdish origin, who had fled to Sweden with her parents, takes advantage of Saddam's fall to go back to Iraq.

Screening date : 13/12/2011 -- 18h00
Me and My Father
A typical everyday life for a Palestinian breadwinner leaving the occupied territories to work in Israel in construction work: Separated from wife and children, living in plastic fabricated shelters for a month. The reunion of father and daughter is a warm moment, no longer just a cell phone relationship.

Screening date : 09/12/2011 -- 18h00
Mohammed Rewind
An Israeli military vehicle runs over a young Palestinian in the West Bank. As he rewinds the recorded video, the filmmaker asks himself whether making such a documentary is justified and what is the responsibility of the docu-filmmaker.

Screening date : 30/11/2011-- 20h00
My Land
This documentary tells of the reality of two peoples who are fighting for the same land. A remote dialogue that puts into perspective the conflict from a purely human angle. My Land focuses on interviews with elderly Palestinians who were forced to abandon their homes in 1948 and young Israelis who today live on land formerly owned by the Palestinians.

Screening date : 06/12/2011 -- 18h00
Ode nomade / Nomad's Home
Nomad’s Home portrays two Arab women born in Egypt whose social and cultural conditions are very different. Iman Kamel is an Egyptian filmmaker who left Cairo to settle down in Berlin, while Selema Gabaly is a Bedouin entrepreneur confined to the distant regions of the Sinai Peninsula.