Middle East: What Cinema Can Do is proud to present 60 films over a 14-day period. One third of the films are shorts and two-thirds are documentaries, each painting a different facet of the bigger picture. Docu-fiction works are more and more prevalent as filmmakers begin to portray the reality in their countries, searching new ways to communicate their messages. The TV format has also become a popular form of expression and outlet to get films seen; a dozen will be screened. A number of features, both fiction and documentary, will be seen at the festival before being released in theatres next year.

From the more than 150 films previewed, the films chosen illustrate the daily theme in which they will be shown, from Iraq and Kurdistan to Syria and Lebanon, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Jerusalem, but also the Arab Spring, Women, Strangers in their own land ….
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Screening date : 08/12/2011 -- 20h00
Guerre, mensonges et télé / Wars, Lies and Television
Filmed by the television cameras of France 2 and broadcast all over the world, the footage of the death of the Palestinian boy Mohammed al-Dura in Gaza on September 30, 2000 has become, over the years, the subject of a long political, journalistic, and judicial dispute. This investigative report, the result of months of work between Paris and Jerusalem, attempts to finally bring this affaire to a close, while analyzing the “art” of disinformation during wartime. 

Screening date : 09/12/2011 -- 18h00
Into the Belly of the Whale
Younis decides to make his last tunnel run between Gaza and Egypt, to break the Israeli siege, but things take a turn for the worst. While stuck underground, he ponders existential questions about fate and the contradictions of being alive underground.

Screening date : 04/11/2011 -- 18h00
Iran About
A journey into Iranian society through the voices of many young people who, anonymously, speak freely about their reality made up of prohibitions, privation and even mortal risks in order to obtain what we believe is simple and ordinary:  a bottle of wine or the chance to strike up relationships. A story in B&W, just like the lives that these young people lead under the auspices of the Islamic Republic of Iran.  

Screening date : 13/12/2011 -- 20h30
Jenin - No Child is Born a Terrorist
The organization Explore met with Zacharia Zubeidi, former head of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, and Juliano Mer-Khamis, the owner and director of The Freedom Theatre in Jenin. Both men were dedicated to positive change for Palestinians, and had made a great impact. We are deeply saddened by the death of Juliano Mer-Khamis at the hands of masked gunmen on April 4, 2011.

Screening date : 11/12/2011 -- 17h30
Jerusalem Bride
The film shows the suffering of Palestinian families living in the Old City of Jerusalem. Through visits by a social worker, Riham, we discover the difficult situation experienced by four different families:  political, economic and social circumstances.
Riham faces her own personal difficulties when she decides to marry Omar. His family opposes the marriage fearing for their own reputation since Riham's brother is a known drug addict. Despite her personal difficulties, Riham continues to visit these families attempting to help them improve their lives.

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