Screening date:04/12/2009 -- 20h
Bethlehem Checkpoint, 4am
The daily struggle the Palestinians face on their way to work, passing through the checkpoint from Bethlehem to Jerusalem.
Country: PalestineContact: Al-Rowwad Cultural and theatre training Society - Aida Camp, Bethlehem, Palestine – Tel : 00 970-22750030 - contact
Year: 2007
Director: Murad Abu Srour
Editing: Mimmi Nietula
Cinematography: Murad Abu Srour, Fida Abu Srour, Mohammad Qatamesh
Music: Darryl Evans, Rémi Stengel
DV – 9 min
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« Images for Life » is a community-based project run through the Al-Rowwad cultural and theatre training centre for youth and adults in Aida refugee Camp in Bethlehem. Al-Rowwad provides a "safe" and healthy environment to help youth creatively release the stress that comes from living under occupation. It is the first community-based center of this kind in Palestine.