Screening date:07/12/2009 -- 20h00
Majlis féminin
Exclusive document on a feminine rite. Women meet everyday in a house in a middle class district and mourn the imam and the fighters fallen with him on the battlefield.
Country: FranceYear: 2008
Production: Jean-Paul Colleyn - EHESS/ifpo – Tel: 01 53 63 51 59
Director: Michel Tabet
Cinematography: Michel Tabet
Editing: Michel Tabet
Sound: Michel Tabet
DV cam - 10’
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Born in Beirut in 1976, he is an anthropologist and documentary filmmaker. His visual anthropology thesis deals with the Achoura celebrations in Nabatiyya. He directed a film investigating Palestinian camps in other host countries, and continues his video work on contemporary music and dance.
2007 - Quelques instants avec l'Imam
2006 - Les larmes de Husayn