Screening date:05/12/2009 -- 17h30
De Tel Aviv ŕ Gaza, l’itinéraire de deux sénateurs
On January 25, 2009, two French senators arrived in the Near East, missioned by the foreign affairs committee to report on the political situation in the Middle East. From Tel Aviv to Gaza, over a territory ruined by three weeks of bombardment, they met a large number of people and witnessed the extent of the damage and of the work to be done.
Country: FranceYear: 2009
Production: Public Sénat - 92, boulevard Raspail - 75006 Paris - Tel : +33 (0)1 42 34 44 08.
Director: Élise Aicardi
Cinematography: Élise Aicardi
Editing: Olivier Pallas
Sound: Élise Aicardi
DVcam – 44 min
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Born in 1979 in Aix-en-Provence, she studied journalism specialized in television at EJT (École de Journalisme de Toulouse). She has worked in television at AFP TV and TLT (Télé Toulouse), in radio at A2PRL (ex AFP Audio) and Sud Radio, and for the Press (Le Populaire, Senegalese national information daily). She has worked for the Public Sénat channel since August 2008.
2009 - Bagdad, entre les murs, Itinéraire de deux sénateurs II
2008 - Les dessous de la loi 'Hadopi'