Screening date:12/12/2011 -- 18h00
Stéphane Hessel, Sisyphe heureux

"A man who salvages his country's honour," according to Régis Debray. Stephane Hessel recalls in turn his childhood in a non-conforming family, the Resistance and deportation to the concentration camps, the writing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, his career as a diplomat at the UN, his stubborn fight against world poverty, his commitment to illegal immigrants and to the Palestinians and finally his love for poetry which has shaped all of his life. He is elegant when he speaks gently about his mother, funny when he confesses his passion for women, moving when he contemplates death. A man of many commitments, he is never discouraged, always confident.

Country: France
Production: Kuiv Productions  - Tel: 01 44 75 79 15 - Fax: 01 44 75 79 19   
Year: 2010
Director: Sophie Lechevalier & Thierry Neuville
Editing: Sophie Lechevalier & Thierry Neuville
Cinematography: Sophie Lechevalier & Thierry Neuville
DV - 52' 

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Sophie Lechevalier is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Paris. She first directed institutional films and interactive videos for the Havas group and then coverage for French television.
Thierry Neuville started his professional life as a photographer for L'Express magazine and for the Gamma Agency as a correspondent in the South Pacific. He directed many institutional films before he switched to documentary and feature films.

1993 - Une enquête sur une enquête
1995 - Moi, je n'en ai jamais parlé parce que…
1997 - L'école des filles
1999 - Sonia
2002 - Des maux et des remèdes
2004 - A l'école de la loi
2005 - Rue de l'Avenir
2007 - La République à petits pas
2008/2009 - Hors champ(s)

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