Screening date:03/12/2011 -- 20h30
Speak Your Mind

Iraqi journalists have paid an enormous price for their defence of freedom of expression and thought. Since 2003, 253 journalists of Iraqi origin have been killed, confirming the tragedies journalists have endured as the security situation deteriorates. This film examines the experiences of three Iraqi journalists.

Country: Iraq
Production: Kasim Abid
Year: 2010
Director: Imad Ali Abbas
Editing: Nadher Al Rawi
Cinematography: Ammar Mani
DV –  14'

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Imad Ali Abbas did his studies in Cinema at the Academy of Fine Arts in Baghdad.   In 2006-07, he participated in the second documentary course at the Independent Film and TV College in Baghdad and made his first film, A Candle for the Shabandar Café, which won third prize in the Student Documentary section of the 2008 Gulf Film Festival in Dubai.

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